
✦ For slots availability please ask or check insta/twitter bio.
✦ Prices dont include the + 8% tax (for USD/Paypal invoice).
PERSONAL USE only unless acquired the commercial use tax.
✦ Make sure to check the Terms of Service!
✦ Cost may vary according to complexity of the piece.
OBS: Page under construction. Ask me about other kind of commissions.

3D Chibi Character

✦ Starts at $35 USD / R$ 150


▸ I will design and chibify your character in 3D, using Blender and Zbrush.
▸ I can do furries and little monsters as well.
▸ You will receive the .OBJ/.FBX file, full renders of views and a 360º rotation .mp4 video.
▸ It is not game ready or rigged. We can discuss if you need it rigged or game ready.

+ $10 USD / R$ 40: simple props or pets
+ 20% of total for commercial use

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